Allysa Larson

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Clubhouse Random Tips - March 31st


  • When did your following start growing?

    • A: Everyone’s journey is so different! For me, it was from 5k to 10k! Ever since then it’s been a slow and steady growth

    • D: Coachella 2019. I really focused on that content and started posting almost a month before and my account really grew traction. Hashtags were really helpful then too!

  • Where do you get inspo for posing?

    • We both get inspo from other accounts on IG. We will save it into folders if we see something we like.

    • We also love pinterest too!

    • Inspo accounts on IG


  • Watch out for fake bills in the mail

  • Make sure it ends in .gov

  • $800 llc fee due 4 mo after you file and then april 15th of each year (source: google)

  • Recommend quarterly taxes so you don’t owe a large lump sum at the end of the year

TIP: You can charge brands extra for reshoots. State that they get 1 reshoot and then after that it’s an $xxx fee to reshoot. 

Instagram myths? We think most of them aren’t real. A lot of people want their moment of fame / go viral / etc and they spread false information. Unless it comes from a verified instagram accounts, we don’t believe it.

Random IG tips: 

  • Apparently IGTV is NOT dead! Push content there

  • Use all of IGs features

  • Posting times? Trial and error. See what works best for you + see what your audience responds to.

  • Hashtags - the more niche the better, larger ones are harder to hit

  • Hashtags: carousel vs single posts (reach seems to be a bit better on single posts but doesn’t translate to reach or increase likes

  • Reels released a new feature! Enable remixing (like tiktok duets)

  • If you love a photo, don’t wait for the “right time” to post. If you love it, post it. 

  • Post in real time

  • Keeping the community engaged?

    • Stay engaged with your audience

    • Comment on their content

    • Show love on their accounts

- don’t idolize larger creators. They are just people too

- Tips for pitching brands when travelling:

- create vision board

- don’t take too much gifting

- figure out posting slots available for brands

- reach out about a month out

Finding friends in the industry

- people are in your life for different seasons and reasons

- it’s ok to cut people out of your life

- cut out toxic energy asap. The sooner you do it, the happier you’ll be!

- your friends don’t have to love social media. You can have different friend groups just don’t have the social media expectation with them

- it’s ok to unfollow people on social and real life 

Tiktop Tips:

  • Posting later (10pm) seems to be working for people

  • Leaving the app right after to get more views is a myth

  • Using the right sounds

We love you babes! We hope these tips help and as always, feel free to message us on IG or post in our facebook group :) Anyone can ask questions!

Xx, Allysa & Danielle