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10 Best Business Practices for Influencers

10 Best Business Practices for Influencers

Hey babes,

Welcome (back) to my blog! Today’s post is a really good one and it has an amazing podcast to accompany it, found HERE

We rounded up some of the most important aspects of our business and what we think contributes to a lot of our success. As an influencer, blogger, content creator etc. we are running our own businesses and a lot of the times were are running all aspects (pitching, negotiating, creating, engaging, invoicing etc).

Here are our top 10 business practices we recommend implementing into your strategies:

  1. Respond to emails within 48 hours

    • The faster the better

    • Even if you’re super busy, try to respond within 24hrs

    • Sometimes campaigns are first come first serve

    • Streak for gmail helps you see when someone has read your email

  2. Over deliver if you want to build rapport with the brand

    • This doesn’t mean give away free work

    • Maybe do an extra story or 2 or send an extra photo

    • If you’re wearing the clothes in an outfit - give them a tag

    • Brands really appreciate this and will remember this for future campaigns

  3. Over communicate

    • Communication is SO important

    • It’s better to over communicate than not communicate enough

    • If there’s an issue on the campaign (product delivery, a deadline etc) bring it up to your contact asap so you can discuss how to solve

      • Don’t wait until a problem happens - address things immediately, even if you messed up!

  4. Follow your contracts

    • Make sure you take note of important details

      • Posting dates, exclusivity etc

      • You don’t want to accidentally post a competitor when you signed an exclusivity deal

    • If there’s an issue, COMMUNICATION is key. 

  5. Know your due dates / deadlines

    • Write down EVERYTHING (on a planner, in your phone, etc)

    • Know when you need to:

      • Submit for approval

      • Post 

      • Submit insights

      • Send invoice

    • This helps prevent signing more than one campaign for the same date

    • Note: When you write your dates down, you know when a brand asks you to post on a certain date whether you already have a campaign there or not and if you do you can let the brand know and they can decide how they want to proceed

  6. Don’t be afraid to ASK QUESTIONS

    • You know your analytics and audience best - you can recommend best posting dates and times even if the brand requests something else

      • Ex. A brand wanted me to post on a Saturday - NOPE - I politely let them know that Saturday’s are in fact my worst day and get the best engagement Mon - Wed but if they wanted ASAP I could post Sunday. They were fine with waiting til Monday

      • You want your sponsored posts to do as good as possible so help the brand understand

    • If you see something in a contract that wasn’t in the initial brief when you discussed rates and deliverables, bring it up and ask about it

    • If you don’t understand something in a contract, ASK ABOUT IT - don’t sign something you’re not sure about

    • Know when to set boundaries and don’t do what’s not good for you

  7. Look at your Analytics

    • If you don’t already, occasionally check your analytics to see what type of content is performing well, what are people saving? Create more content like that

    • See what’s not doing well

  8. Be attentive to your current audience

    • Yes we all want to grow, but if you don’t foster and give love to your current audience, they might leave you

    • Engage in your comment section, respond to dms

  9. Be aware of everything (it feels like were always ON sometimes) 

    • This is broad but be aware of potential photo spots (location scouting when your out to save time)

    • Pitching yourself - see who is working with who and save the brand name so you can pitch them

    • Scroll the explore - what’s trending? How can you add that to your personal style? 

    • What reels / audios are doing well? Create videos with that content

    • Use your scroll productively

  10. Ask for feedback / help from your peers

    • This can be a lonely industry so reach out and make IG friends

      • It’s easier to talk to industry people who get it

    • Ask your friends for feedback

      • What do they like/ what would they do different/ any suggestions

    • If you feel stuck, ask your friends what strategies they’re trying and what’s working for them and maybe try something similar

    • Engage on your peers' content just as you want them to engage on yours. 

    • We’re all learning together! No gatekeeping here

I hope you found these tips helpful! Do you currently do any of these? Which tip is your favorite or which one do you want to start doing? Let me know in the comments below!

Xx, Allysa

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