Introducing Summer Buns
Hey All!
So I have finally announced my new company…. Summer Buns! Summer Buns is going to be your go-to destination for trendy, silky hair scarves. I am very excited to begin this journey and would love your involvement. I’ll explain that at the end, but I wanted to share how and why I came up with this idea first.
Ever since college, I have always wanted to start my own company. The hard part is coming up with the idea. I’ve always loved fashion and wanted to know what the process was like from start to finish on how to create a garment. Over the past few years, I experimented with different ideas, but I didn’t feel a spark. I thought about creating a planner because I LOVE creating lists, being organized & writing everything down. I didn’t love it though. I thought about bikinis because I am obsessed with the beach but that market is overly saturated right now. Finally, a few months ago, I began my part-time blogger journey and began diving into that world. I love following all the trends on other bloggers. I noticed that a lot of them were wearing hair scarfs, so I thought I would go get one for myself. This is where the idea began…
I shopped around on Etsy and Amazon first. I found a few that I liked, but nothing that I LOVED. So, I then decided to go to the mall. “It will for sure be easy to find something there” I told myself. I started at H&M - no luck. I was kind of shocked but moved on. Then I went into Zara, Topshop, Urban Outfitters and NO LUCK!!! I was confused at this point. How is it so hard to find a hair scarf that’s so on trend!?!? Then I went Nordy’s. They always have everything… but the hair scarves they had were from designers and over $50 and I wasn’t planning on spending that kind of money so I left empty handed. I went into Madewell, Anthropology, Macy’s and then finally Forever 21. In Forever 21 I found one hair scarf. ONE. I wasn’t searching for anything complicated. I just wanted a black and white hair scarf with some sort of pattern on it. That’s it. Finally, I found ONE two hours later. On my drive home I was thinking, that should not have been that hard at all. I knew exactly what I wanted and I couldn’t find it. So then I thought… “Why not make it yourself?” BOOM. That was the moment. This was the idea I had been looking for.
I went home and did some research and there is definitely room in this market to grow and create my own space and brand. I was so excited to finally have an idea and I was ready to execute immediately. I wanted to start everything right then and there, but of course, it doesn’t work like that.
Over the past few months, I’ve networked with some people who have really given me some guidance with the process. I visited the fashion district in L.A. to see what colors & materials are out there and I’ve never felt more inspired. I took a sewing class because I figured it would be a good skill to learn (I should probably take another one to get better). I’ve come up with designs, colors, patterns that I want to execute and cannot wait to bring this vision to life.
Where I am now: So I am in the process of getting samples from Bangladesh to see if this is the company I am going to work with. I am excited for this part to actually get something in my hand. I found a graphic designer on Instagram to help create my logo and she was amazing (@trulyjamie, @jamieraedesigns). If you need anything done, she can help you out! She did the graphics for my blog and for summer buns, the color scheme, logo design and she was super easy to work with!

Next steps: Get the product in my hand to start deciding on final fabrics and colors. This is where YOU come in! I would love any input, feedback, ideas, constructive criticism you have for me to help make my brand better! My ultimate goal is to grow this into a beachy brand that sells other products. I would also love to sell my scarves in hair salons, boutiques and Nordstrom is my dream account to be in.
More updates coming soon, but thank you for following my journey and I cannot wait to watch my brand grow. I am determined and will do whatever it takes to make this brand successful and would love for it to be my full time job someday. I can’t wait to show you guys more coming soon! STAY TUNED!
xoxo Allysa